Updates from 1999
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12-22-99: Return to the main page - The NES
I added another article to the pedantry section
(and I'm going to keep adding them until they get so far over the top that
they're....... under the bottom), and two new links.
Now, for the sad
part of my little narrative. For personal reasons, I'm going to have to cut back
on the amount of time I devote to the Shrine. Now, before I go on, please note
that, in describing the aforementioned "reasons", I said neither "social" -- I
intend to die having never been on a date -- nor "psychological" -- all is as it
should be, fittingly nutty and what-have-you. The reasons I'm talking about are
more of the aesthetic, cultivation-relevant, duly detached so on and so on and
so on yatta yatta yatta.
Given the amount of time I seem presently to be
committing to the site, the change probably won't be that drastic. The only
difference is that I will spend fewer weekends attempting, without success, to
update -- it will either definitely happen or definitely not happen. As to the
"really original" thing to which I made reference, I'm starting to think that
I'd be better off investing those energies in other creative projects stock
market stock market BS BS BS BS i saw the best minds of merry christmas to all
and to all a good night.
By the way, in case Y2K is all the omnipotent
"they" say it is, it's been a privelege knowing you, and I'll see you on the
other side.
I know I said I'd stop with the pedantry
section for a while, but I seem to be feeling a touch of stage fright about
writing full reviews. Either that or I don't want to invest the necessary amount
of time until after Christmas. Truth be told, I'm starting to get the sense that
it's time to do something new -- something really original -- with this place.
The stipulation is that I have no idea what that thing is -- with the result
that, for the time being, I'm kind of running around between sections, trying to
figure out where to focus my energies. In the end, I'll probably just wind up
doing what I've been doing with heightened candor. Sounds about
Anyway, I added another article to the pedantry section
(as I said), wrote a fairly incoherent abridged review
of The Black Bass, and added several new links (you've gotta
give me a break here, people. I'm glad there's such a rising interest in the
scene, but I can't keep up with the number of link requests I get. I knew I
should have been meaner when I revamped that section.) I also updated a few of
the comments on that page.
As an aside, I recently discovered a music
recyclery that carries a few obscure NES titles in good condition. Intermittent
purchases may ensue, although considering that outlet's meager selection, I
don't think I'm yet rid of Funcoland and their wet, encrusted labels. Forever
Games might be a viable solution, though.
I don't know when I'll next
update, but I can say with certainty that it will not be next week. I have to
get whacked-out on turkey and then ricochet off other shoppers for five hours,
trying to throw together a Christmas list on the busiest shopping day of the
year. I hope there's a Pokémon convention too, so the entire mall will implode
because those inside it use up all the oxygen. All that, and I'll still be
happier during the holidays than any other time of the year -- 'cuz, man, I get
to look at Christmas lights.
Yeah, I know it's been a
while. I'd tell you the truth of the matter -- that I've been too busy to add
what I've been meaning to add -- but then half the scene would jump down my
throat about how that isn't an excuse. We really need more moralism in this
world, too (wonder what I'm doing now, if it's not moralizing?...)
don't seem to be having any trouble finding me at this new location, although
I'm sure I've lost some traffic. All the same, things are going fine on this end
of things. CyberCities seems to go down for a very brief stint every weekend,
but as long is it maintains this consistency, I can put up with that. If I were
less the worse for wear, I probably wouldn't, but the thought of moving all this
stuff again nauseates me.
As for today, I've added twenty-six new abridged reviews
10-Yard Fight, Arkanoid, Bad Dudes, Batman, Crash 'n the
Boys: Street Challenge, Donkey Kong Classics, Double Dragon III, Dragon Power,
Dynowarz, Friday the 13th, The Goonies II, Ice Climber, Maniac Mansion, Mega Man
V, Metal Gear, Metal Mech, Pac-Man, Palamedes, Power Blade, Pro Wrestling,
Shadow of the Ninja, Skate or Die (revision), Slalom, "Snake, Rattle, 'n Roll",
Snake's Revenge, Zanac.
Also, I added some more information about Nintendo Cereal (no
more, for all that is pure, no more!), and a couple new links.
you all.... hopefully, some time when the circumstances of my existence are a
little less tempestuous (too much work, too much mucus, too much unnecessary
bitching about too much work and too much mucus. Gawd, I'm
"Abby told me not to drive while I was
upset, and she was right; and she was right yeterday, when she told me not to
get on that damn bicycle while I was upset. But I did it anyway, and I guess I
was just about as mad as I've ever been."
-President Josiah Bartlett, on The West Wing
Remember when I
said I would never have to move the site again? I was toying with
No, seriously, I've had about as frustrating a week as I've ever had
-- so much so that I sprinted two blocks hoome yesterday in the hope of
"outrunning myself", and leaving behind the abstract parts of my nature with
which I was disgusted. I don't know if it worked -- judging by my mood, it
probably didn't -- but I collapsed in front of my home and spent about fifteen
minutes looking up through the branches of a birch tree. That was about the most
euphoric feeling I've had in the past seven days, and it was probably just some
hormonal response -- either the touted "exercise high" or an orgastic sense of
relief triggered by my sedentary form actually surviving two minutes of imposed
physical exertion. The rest of this early-October span has sucked beyond
For time's sake, I'll dispense with the personal stuff and
explain what happened with the site. Picture a naval aviator sitting proudly in
his jet (okay, so I'm too tall to be a combat pilot -- visualization isn't the
place for specificity.) Envision the sun reflecting off his plane's nose, and
imagine him quite happy to have found a home on the USS Whatever. Now, picture
his firing its engines, speeding down the deck, skidding off the edge, and
blowing up the second it hits the water. That should give you an idea of my
experience with CPGG (as well as explain why I put "Satisfaction" on the front
I had originally intended to add the acknowledgments section last
Saturday -- in a sweep of graceful self-abjuration -- and then turn my attention
back to the review section. Sure, the server had been down the weekend before,
but that was a momentary setback, not a regular problem. Ah, to be that young
You see, although my site had come back up, the server itself
remained down, complaining that their host had "kicked [them] for using too much
bandwidth." Okay, I thought, I can wait this out. And I could have. I really
could have waited out a two-to-three week corrective period. But I can't wait
out oblivion. I've got more important things to do.
When, this morning, I
checked to see if the server was back up, I discovered that, not only had it
still not returned, but it was GONE. No good-bye message; no explanation of
circumstance; no NES Enshrined; just a friggin' error message. Well, I've had
enough. In various fashions, CC has been down since the very week I
joined their lot, and I've had it. That, as you've probably already induced, is
why I'm here.
So, now that cpgg.net has jammed what I think is a
sharpened telephone pole in my proverbial paw, they are my enemies for life
("And the song they play is that guy with the messed-up face...") However, on
the plus side, I have now found what strikes me as a more stable server -- like
CC, but I've had to teach myself to use FTP, and my address is ugly. Moreover,
they actively shun ad banners. I'd think things were going to be okay, but look
what that did to me the last time. This server will probably crash too -- but
even if it does, I'll find another place. I have everything backed up, so don't
expect a one-site Brinstar.com incident or anything. I'm pissed off -- a "Hello
from the Clock Tower" poem may bear itself upward in my mind if things don't
start going well -- but not irresolute.
Still, there's the matter of how
people will find me. I can reroute them on my AOL space, but with cpgg in
shambles, there's nothing I can do there. I guess I'll have to (swallows his
pride) impose on my fellow webmasters to get the word out.
The following
is what would have been my update log for October 2nd. I'm too lazy to make it
fit with the present situation. In addition to what is documented there, I have
changed the abridged reviews of Kung Fu and Final Fantasy
"Well, I figured I needed one more tangent before I got back into the main
body of the site. As a result, today's update is comprised of the new acknowledgments
section, Turambar's revision of the Spastic Reviews
article, and some rearrangements in the links section
(plus two new sites.)
That aside, my suspicions have been confirmed.
The very week I left AOL, visitor response skyrocketed (in comparison to what
it used to be, anyway.) I guess there's a somewhat prevalent contempt in the
main of the net for AOL. I mean, I use it and I make the same
disparaging comments as everybody else.
Since only one person has
commented on the pedantry section, and about half of those who write me
mention the reviews, I deduce that people would rather I add to the latter.
That's just fine with me. I'm tired of adding pedantry anyway, and have
several reviews brewing in my head. So whenever I next manage to keep my
skinny rump in this chair for a decent portion of my free time, I'll write
one. I'm getting the sense that the content I've been recently adding has had
more to do with me than the NES. Well, to the extent that I can manage, that
ends now. I'm not that interesting anyway. I guess you could consider the
acknowledgments section the last hurrah for my self-plotted additions. (Okay,
so I usually manage to make the reviews about me too, but not quite as
In regard to the next update, next Saturday is my
birthday (always accompanied by an ample helping of NES games), and I won't be
in town the week after that, so it is most likely three weeks away. It'll
probably be time for another move by then, at which pace I will have denounced
the entire web, piece by piece, before the Spring thaw. Choler is fun. Tell your
If you're reading this, you probably already
know what the chief update is. That's right, I'm free of AOL and their ads and
their fickle FTP server. The people at CC Hosting have been kind enough to
welcome me into their community (okay, so a machine processed my query. At least
I can stop bitching about not being able to find a server.)
I'm endebted
to FreeIndex.com for directing
me to this place, to Freespeech.org for
leading me to FreeIndex, and, in turn, to Big
Stu's 8-Bit NES Wonderland for directing me to Freespeech. I would also like
to thank Retrogaming Online for hearing my request -- neglecting their failure
to respond if they have already read it, and sounding quite disoriented if they
have not.
The move essentially means two things. First, I now have, free
of charge, one nonillion megs of space at my disposal, so the only reason I will
ever have to move in the future will be if I want to buy a personal server.
Secondly, it means I have spent the past ten hours moving files around, changing
code (I knew spelling out every in-site destination was a stupid idea), finding
a new counter, redirecting people, and deciding not to have a "doorstop" page.
Thus, I feel unbelievably dulled, and am more acutely aware of the spot of
Newman's Own salad dressing on my shirt than I am of anything else in the world.
Thanks to this day, my sister's birthday card will be neither punctual nor
coherent. But my goodness, that's a one with twenty-seven zeroes after
Thanks to my new counter, those who attempt to access my site with
Internet Explorer will be hereafter met with an "error" message, and will not be
able to view said counter (sob, sob, I'm sure.) Since this error arises out of
code I didn't write, I have no way of knowing how it can be remedied. Either
we'll have to accept that, IE users will have to process my site with Netscape
(IE sucks, anyway), or I'll have to change counters (and that's not going to
happen today. I'm far too busy marvelling at the size of my account. Now, you're
probably making some sort of mental connection -- relating my fascination with
size to certain feelings of... uh... personal inadequacy -- but get your
Freudian crap offa my cloud! *Stares off into space* Twenty-seven
Finally, an announcement: Though I'm not going to impose any
requirements (rules blow, man), I want to shift the thrust of the stump away from
that of a bitching forum, and toward something more sentimental -- akin to Big
Stu's Nostalgia Trip.
Oh yeah, I added another link.
not hostile, make no mistake. I just figured it was time to slip this stuff in,
with or without a move. I may be going out of town next weekend, so it is
probable that, if I find a server between then and now, I won't be able to move
it for two weeks. I'll be busy with other things for about a month thereafter,
though, so this indistinct "move" to which I keep idealistically referring will
probably take a while.
As for now, I've added two new pseudo-interp.s to
the pedantry
section, a new editorial, and
another link.
you..... I hate not being able to say.
I thought I'd
sneak in a quick update to inform you all that ClassicGaming.com did reject me.
I don't feel too terribly upset about it -- as you know, I didn't expect to make
their cut -- and Fragmaster did say my site was "much better than the vast
majority of the NES pages out there" -- so I have that comment, at the very
least, to comfort me. I still don't esteem him as highly as I do the deceased
Fragglemaster (Jim Henson), though.
I've put in a requisition to
Retrogaming.net, so I should know about that in the relatively near future.
(Although, considering the fact that Gehrke's going to be looking over my site
quite soon, I probably shouldn't publicize the fact that ROH is my second
choice. If you're reading this, Steve, please don't reject me because I said
that. Please please please please please please please please please please
please please....)
As to the content, I've now logged two complaints
stating that my new layout hurts my viewers' eyes. On the assumption that these
grievances referred to the backgrounds, I replaced that obnoxious checker
pattern from SMB3, and dimmed the main background to a less obtrusive
I'd say more, but now I have to begin feverishly scrawling out all
the poetry that's been stewing in my head since the beginning of Summer (plus, I
have to talk/sing to my tree, and memorize that "Somebody's Getting Married"
song from The Muppets Take Manhattan.) This is my final day -- tomorrow I
return to academia. *Sniff* Hopefully my theory will be supported, and I'll be
able maintain a defense mechanism against the dogma by singing to myself all the
time. Of course, that will lead my classmates to believe that I'm insane, but
they believe that anyway.
HA! I told you I knew HTML.
Bet you didn't believe me, did you?
This is update is almost entirely
physical -- the exception being the new links. Other than
that, I framed the site (OK, so I did that last night, but I was too tired to
write an update log), created and implemented the new background, embedded
onMouseOver commands on the menu (I DID TOO do it myself), and created title
graphics for the review and link sections, as
well as The
Stump. Now that I've discovered the capabilities of Paint Shop Pro, more
things of that ilk may sprout up, but NOT until the move.
Granted, I said
I wouldn't frame the site until the move either, but it seemed more practical to
do it when I had sufficient time. I don't yet know if this look really suits the
Shrine -- that is, if it overshadows the text -- but all in all I suspect it, at
the very least, proves that I can make the site appear somewhat complex
when I want to.
This is really it, though. I won't update again until the
move, at which time the only "addition" will be the move
Within the past couple of days, Tripod
disabled me from loading images from the web space I occupy there -- presumably
as an invocation of a clause in their terms of service which forbids the use of
Tripod accounts for "remote loading."
This clause did not exist when I
opened my account there, but since the server has, with its grand bureaucratic
spiral, made it virtually impossible to contact anyone truly connected with its
maintenance, I am left at the end of my rope. My only choice is to move the
entire site to a new server, from which I can obtain more space than is offered
by the major ones. I have already applied to ClassicGaming.com, but since my
site seems unlike what is featured over there, I doubt that it will be accepted
(I mean, if they rejected Cord's site...) On that note, if you know of a free,
marginally exclusive server (at the very least, not GeoCities, Xoom,
Fortunecities, or anything of that kind) that offers at least 40 MB of space,
and onto which I might be accepted (other than Retrogaming.net -- already know
that one), please let me know.
you, this development means essentially two things. First, it has shoved a
stopper (and not one of those rubber dealies with the holes, either) into my
plan for "one final Summer update", making this my farewell-glorious-season
message. I doubt that I will be able to find a new location in six days; and
even if I do, you can probably understand that I don't want to spend the last
perfumed moments of my break engaged in moving files around, so I will likely
not have time to transfer the site until, at best, the weekend of the 28th.
Secondly, it has pretty much frozen the site until I can find a place for it,
meaning that NO NEW MATERIAL will be posted until the move is complete (I have a
review, a credits page, and some more pedantry brewing in my mind too, so this
immensely sucks.)
On a related topic, I am considering changing the
format of the site for the server change. I'm not referring to the content, mind
you -- just the layout. Actually, I have been meaning to do that for some time,
but until now there seemed to be no precedent, or befitting occasion, for it.
The simplistic visage you see here did not come into being at my election. It
came into being because, at the time of the site's creation, I knew no HTML. I
would probably not of my own volition change the appearance, but my corner of
the Scene has been accused of "lack[ing] in the HTML department" -- a statement
which, though I don't resent it, I take to heart. The actual manifestation of
this "refinement" will, in all likelihood, be only frames (or tables that
resemble frames), image-based hyperlinks, and a new background -- yet as things
stand this is all quite theoretical and I cannot be sure that I will follow
through with any of it. The only certainty is that the Shrine will not be
located here much longer (fortuitous, really -- much of the
non-commercial-server-based scene, I suspect, shuns any site located on
Now....... the closure of Summer. Beginning with the "business" end
of it, as I am very much a bad-news-first type of fellow, I am not in the least
exaggerating when I say that I will never again have as much free time as I have
had this Summer (unless I live to be 130, or something.) I really must get a job
when next this season rolls around to supplement some of my inexpensive, albeit
still priced, leisure activities. ("Haste still pays haste, and leisure answers
leisure; / Like doth quite like, and measure still for measure.") Mind you, I
won't be laboring around the clock, but I won't have the entire three-month
period to my own discretion either. That essentially means that I will not, next
Summer, be able to update with this season's frequency, and that I am not
certain that there will be a 2000 NES Game Tournament.
Still, that is ten
months away, so I will now address the more timely subject of my immanent
academic year. I'm carrying a somewhat hefty load this coming semester -- and
even though I can't be sure that the number of these classes will outweigh the
magnitude of those I took last year, I am going to have some work. Last
year, I was able to update every two weeks, but at this end of my pursuant
experience I am not sure if that will be possible. One update every two weeks
will be my goal, but if it proves overambitious they may dwindle to one every
three or four weeks (I'd hate to see that happen, but it may be unavoidable.)
Even if I had nothing on the fire other than schoolwork, updating every three to
five days would be a virtual impossibility. Between that work, lark reading,
playing games, taking walks, and writing poetry (as well as prose and drama, on
occasion), one addition per two weeks is the most auspicious promise I can
realistically make. (I'm aware that my list of commitments is not much like the
traditional Western canon of school, work, girlfriend, and rest of social life,
but nonetheless it's what I do; and even if I were legitimately capable of
attracting a member of the opposite sex (i.e. one-eighth as self-involved and
eight times as good looking as I am), the things I named would remain important
to me. Perhaps it is a self-righteous way of spending time, but I can't muster
the energy to care.) It may sound bleak, but unless I am met with a sudden rush
of free time (Spring Break?), the Shrine will never again be as frequently
updated as it was this Summer. Don't get me wrong, it's not going to become
another 8N!, but at the risk of pontificating, tri-daily updates border on being
surreal when they occur on a singularly maintained site that is more than a few
weeks old. At the very least, I am certain that I won't have the
opportunity to update in that manner. Two weeks -- a lapse becomes an
But as to this summer, it has been, both from a personal and
a creative standpoint, ideal. I had lunch with an individual I hadn't seen for
five years; I ended my four-year exile from movie theatres (prompting me to
enact another one -- do you have any idea how much one M & M costs at those
places?); I did away with the one shadow of my past that I hadn't already
eliminated -- that is, I beat EarthBound; and most importantly, I learned
to listen with all my senses and stop throwing out 90% of my ideas as creatively
unworkable or immature -- the NES Game Tournament, the Pedantry section, the
EarthBound article, and all of my poetry are among the outgrowths. If this
strikes you as sappy, fine -- but it is all true, and I owe it to the eleven
weeks I have had to sort things out (as well as read, watch Muppet movies, play
games, etc....)
So thank you for your support as this site learned the
difference between professionalism and stiffness; and thank you for helping to
bring me to the brink of 30,000, though I may have to give up my present counter
before it gets there. Yay, I love rounding up.
(Okay.... I look at my site now and all the images work. All the same,
I really need to centralize it. This dual-server volatility has tried my
patience beyond the breaking point, and I am in violation of that
I don't feel like writing a monologue
today, so I'll just say that I have added two editorials that are
rather obligatory as far as subject matter is concerned, and a few new links.
I did it. It took me a hell of a long time, but I finished it.
"It", of
course, is my EarthBound interpretation, which has been posted on The Stump. I'm not
quite certain of how it turned out -- the theories are either workable or
certifiable, I know that. Well, I'll let you decide for yourself. If you like
it, I appreciate that; and if you don't like it, don't worry. I won't be doing
another of those any time soon. I liked having the epiphany and all, but it took
up too much time (granted, I didn't work round the clock. Somewhere in there I
found a quanity of free moments sufficient to allow me to watch every Muppet
movie ever made -- less the kiddie sing-alongs and whatnot.) Still, I'm glad I
did it -- if only to prove to myself that I could. Now I can just relax and
enjoy what little remains of my Summer.
I also cleaned out two dead links, and added a
new one. Plus, I posted abridged reviews
of BurgerTime and Duck Hunt -- the latter of which I am finally able to play
again, now that I have a new Zapper.
And that's about all. No more
cogitaiton for me this Summer -- just whimsy and fun and... barbecue, I
And so it ends... No more easy updates for me.
Nope, I'm back to actually having to write something meaningful -- as opposed to
coding a tournament ladder. Really, I meant to get in a lot of reviews this
Summer, but the Tournament grasped my attention to such a degree that I was
never able to get around to that. Besides which, Summer put upon me a yen to do
something a little more... creative, I guess -- hence all the weird poetry I've
been writing, and the Pedantry section. Perhaps reviews are more of an academic
year thing.
So, as you probably inferred, I posted the results of the
championship, as well as my farewell message
for that particular event. I also added some more information regarding Nintendo Cereal and
two audiovisual
venues of NES Media. There is also a new editorial, once
again written by somebody other than myself.
As to the EarthBound
article, whatever portion of my brain influences literary aptitude is dormant
for the time being, meening that me no is canning write good, and no does want
me give bad writed stuff to reading dudes, 'cuz yous guys deserves more
Yeah, the last update was really on the 21st.
Delightful, isn't it? My mental clock gets disoriented when I travel from
Illinois to Kentucky.
Kind of a potpourri today -- I added the results of the
previous voting period, some more information to the descriptions of The Super Mario Bros.
Super Show and Nintendo Cereal (my,
that stuff is popular), and posted yet another outside-job editorial.
I've started writing my EarthBound interpretation, but it is, as I predicted,
shaping up to be quite lengthy, so I can't honestly say when it will be
finished. Next week is somewhat busy, too -- a reality that won't expedite the
matter at all.
(Amendment of earlier update: I have elected not to do the "Prelude
to a Championship." I've simply run out of time today, and it doesn't seem
quite necessary anyway. Besides, posting it at a later date would probably
give it the aura of being tardily and hastily thrown in. I don't know. My mind
is shot today. Come to think of it, that may be the reason I've opted as I
Travel has made me aware of two things --
#1) There truly is no place like home; and #2) My right hip aches like hell. The
former, however, is such a homespun truism that I can't count it as an epiphany
of any value, and the latter is a direct result of my having had to sleep in a
hotel-room bed (or rather, on a hotel-room floor -- I couldn't bear sleeping in
a bed the second night.) So my excursion didn't honestly teach me anything
usable, beyond possibly reiterating that my disposition does not incline toward
ever leaving home -- that I am, at heart, a couch potato, and would in all
frankness rather see the world by way of other people's
Anyway, today I added the results of the
previous voting period -- only two left. There is also yet another
externally-produced editorial, and a new
finally managed to finish EarthBound, so I can begin writing my interpretative
editorial. I have the feeling that it's going to be very long, though, so don't
expect it in the immediate future.
Again, nothing
great is going on in my life, and I'm running a bit behind myself today, so I'll
get right into things.
I... Posted the results of the
previous voting period. Added yet another externally created editorial. Ate a
I could get used to this succinct
Yay, a monologue!
I recently saw a
public service ad stating that Mark McGwire has started a fund in protest of
child abuse. Although personally, I think the cause would be better served if
Big Mac just went over to the homes of abusive parents while their kids were
away at school and beat the hell out of them, shouting to the degree that his
surprisingly soft voice will permit, "NOW THE SHOE'S ON THE OTHER
Anyway, I have added the entirely new pedantry section
-- the obligatory "outlet for my creative eenergies" section. But this one has a
bit of a twist to it. It is devoted to the insane over-interpretation of NES
games. I also added some new links, retouched the
section minutely, and changed the way the titles appear on all my
I should add that Loogaroo has informed me that there will be no
more analyses.
Big K-Mart sells diapers, business clothing, those June
Allyson bladder pads, business clothing, office furniture, luggage, and features
a Little Caesar's "To Go." If I wanted, I could live at Big K-Mart and never
Posted the results of the
previous voting period and the bracket for the Championship Round. Added more
information regarding Nintendo Cereal. Am
writing without subject nouns. Is fun.
Once again, I
can't think of a monologue, so I won't force it.
Posted the results of the
previous voting period, as well as the analyses for the
present round, and added the site's first editorial written by
an outside party. I'm feeling somewhat creatively defunct -- all those energies
are currently caught up in pondering EarthBound; an editorial may result -- so
I'm not in a position to write a review of any quality. Well, it'll come
Posted the analyses for this
round. (I'm being brief today. Check your weather forecast for giant
I'm going to have to stop promising to
compose a review, as I have no idea when time and initiative will join to make
that possible. I'll just promise what I can uphold: "I'll write a review when I
For the time being, I've added the results of the
previous round (no analyses, for the time being), as well as two miscellaneous links.
This, voters, was the type of round for which I live. There was only one sweep,
and it was NOT wrought by Zelda, as you may be thinking.
My wit, if I
have any, is rather sluggish today. I can think of no
I want to begin my intro with a somewhat Henry
Higgins-like correction. As people discuss the tennis-Parthenon currently
occupied by the game's greatest talents, I notice one recurring error of
pronunciation that, as I am a collosal prig, ties all my nerve endings together
at a single spot. "Wimbledon" IS NOT prounounced "Wimbletin." There are neither
Ts nor Is in the word. Now you may be saying, only pitiful self-spoiled people
with masked inferiotiy complexes have any concern for pronunciation. Well... I
could stop concealing my inferiority complex, if that would make you feel any
I must also apologize for failing to live up to my promise to
review. Other necessities kept getting in the way -- cleaning out a particularly
filthy closet (does anyone know where I could sell used video game magazines? --
don't really need all those GamePros and EGMs that discuss nothing but Mortal
Kombat III anymore.)
More relevantly, I have added the results to the
round just past, and new analyses for the
coming ones.
Finally, I should state that I am not, as I have done
before, going to screw with Independence Day and post an unneeded, whiny update
log. I'll not likely even turn on the computer, but rather go to a golf course
set atop a large hill and watch five pyrotechnic displays at once. Don't confuse
my enthusiasm for patriotism, though. I just want to watch things
Well, this is just delightful, and amplified
in its effect by the fact that many of these matches dangled over the pit of
uncertainty through today. In the round just elapsed, you the voters exalted to
the position of victory all of TWO of the games I was rooting for. I can take
heart, dear reader, in the fact that I do not value my opinions above those of
anyone else. But please stop by my house if you happen to have a chisel with
you. I need to get my fist out of the wall.
You can see the ravages the
judges have wrought on my nerves at the newly updated tournament ladder,
read some of the new analyses, or flee
in terror of my wrath to the new link. Those of you
judges may also drive by my home and run into me with your cars, mopeds, and
motorcycles if you don't feel you've done enough damage. I am going to
pay a lot -- that is, in medical expenses -- for this muffler.
Who the
hell would want to watch two hours of Nash
Nothing of especial note has happened to
me in the last three days, so I'll move right along.
I posted the results of the
first round in Group B, and added analyses for
Group C. I also added three new links.
aware that the tournament has become practically the exclusive focus of the
site, and I don't know what solace I can offer to those who might be disgruntled
about it. I'll try to fit in a review at some point this week (the subject will
probably be either Gyruss or Magic Johnson's Fast Break), but I
cannot be sure that time will present itself.
I've run out of ways to
disprove to you the fact that my life is colossally boring, so I'll just
unassumingly take my leave.
My site wasn't very well
established when tnw gave out those "Recommended Look-See[s]," so I never had
any real chance of being granted one. That in mind, I rather staunchly believe
that the "OPCFG Award of Excellence" is the most prestigious award still
presented to NES Websites, and I am immensely gratified to have received it. I'm
very near launching into a raving gesture of thanks to every person who has
aided me in this endeavor, but such a thing seems better suited to its own page,
so for the moment I'll confine my acknowledgments to Rob Strangman, who gave me
the honor.
So, as you might have inferred, I added the OPCFG Award to the
little trophy case on my front page (actually, I did that yesterday.) Also, as
today marks the end of the tournament's first
voting period, I have posted both its results and
Loogaroo's analyses of the
matches in Group B.
I additionally added some more info regarding Nintendo
For those of you waiting for some contribution to the
epistolary sections of the site, I've been told that I should expect an outside
editorial submission at some point.
I just finished
watching both Ghostbusters movies. I wonder if I could make the Lincoln
Memorial fly around by gluing a motherboard to my NES Advanatage... I'm also at
a loss as to whether or not Janine Melnitz is a more dignified character than
Mary Jo Shively. (You should hear some of the antic thoughts I have after a
viewing of Willow.)
Today I applied what will serve as the final
dab of the brush for this voting period -- Tim Connolly's analyses. They're
quite good, so be sure to read them before you leave.
By the way, The
Stranger is the funniest damn book I have ever come across. (The difference
between a regular book and a "damn" book is that a "damn" book tends to elicit
some reaction from the reader. Thus the only "non-damn" book consists of 300
blank pieces of paper not compiled in dadaist spirit, although one of those Rand
McNally map books might also fit the bill...)
other day, while visiting an old friend, I finally had the opportunity to read
Nintendo Power's list of the "100 Greatest Games of All Time." Is it just me, or
did they start choosing random games after the Top 10? (Sadly, the selection of
Mario 64 as #1 fit the big N's hype-equals-value ideology of the mid-late
Anyway, today I brought into full light what I hope will be a less
vain evaluation. That is, the brackets, rules, and other necessaries of the 1999 NES Game
Tournament are now up. The actual voting does not begin until tomorrow, but
all opening matches are available to be viewed.
This update log finds me
tired once again, so I'll not extend it any
It's a rarity nowadays that I update the MIDI
Library, but while I sit here biding my time in anticipation of the tournament's
beginning, I feel obligated to do something. That feeling tends to befall me
during the summer -- wherein I continue my decadent existence to extremes and
have next to nothing to do. Yeah, I'm "biding" my time -- this lifestyle is ever
so similar to that in prison. Large people even beat me when I wash my hands,
and everything.
Anyway, I've added four new MIDIs, including
three from Legendary Wings by the incomparable Shaven Wookiee.
Tales - The Moon
Legendary Wings (new section) - "Danger" Levels,
Level 1, "Palace" Levels
As to the tournament, things are coming along
swimmingly. I've already gotten over 64 nominations, and already ten people have
declared their willingness to judge. I have a strangely good feeling about
Well, we'll see...
Just to give you all
an idea of how much I care about you, I'm only half-watching Martial Law
to do this. Sammo and Arsenio have flipped over all manner of people, and I'm
missing it.
I keep my promises, folks. Today I uploaded the beginnings of
the tournament
to which I've alluded recently. The success of this endeavor hinges on your
participation (it's a poll, technically speaking.) In order to complete it, I'm
going to need a greater volume of responses than the "zero" I've hitherto
received for the editorial section.
I won't waste your time anymore. I'd
rather you go and participate in the tournament (telling comment: I want
this thing to succeed.)
Woo-hoo, no more damn
unpredictable Personal Publisher!!!!!! WordPad never takes ten minutes to
process anything, that's for sure -- it doesn't crash; it doesn't freeze; IT
DOESN'T HATE ME!!! *Dief does a happy dance* Why in blazes did I take so long to
do this? I FEEL REBORN!!!!!
I know I said there would be a tournament
forthcoming. Well... it's still forthcoming for the moment. I had to get my new
acquisitions out of the way beforehand.
In a slightly more jubilant
spirit than I may have suggested with that last comment, I have added abridged reviews
for the following games:
Adventure Island II, AirWolf, Blades of Steel,
Gargoyle's Quest II, Gyruss, Mega Man 6, Pinball, RoadBlasters, Tecmo World
Wrestling, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Additionally, there is a new link. I also changed
the abridged review of Metroid, but that was a couple days ago.
probably begin the tournament tomorrow, unless I play golf. Well, it'll get done
one way or another.
Time being of the essence, I'll
dispense with my original plan of quoting the Declaration of Independence and
offer this condensed retelling of my past 48 hours.
Suffice it to say
that, for more than a year, I had been using AOL's HTML-publishing program to
upload my pages, while writing the code myself. That's right, your resident
webmaster began this site with no working knowledge of HTML, but rather
gradually taught it to himself during the Shrine's early existence. (The site
had no public exposure during its first month, anyway, so just go ahead and lose
faith in me for no reason, fair-weather patrons.)
Anyway, two evenings
ago, I attempted to access my "means of uploading", and was confronted by a
glitch -- one of AOL's self-promoting banners kept re-processing to the point
that I had to override the program (I gotta get off this server, man.) This bug
persisted through mid-day yesterday. AOL's "help" technicians were their usual
equivocating, vague selves ("We're updating some of our departments. You must
have encountered a bug." Well no kidding, fella.)
I hatched a theory
that downloading AOL 4.0 would rectify this, and thus spent an hour-and-a-half
doing nothing while my modem processed those giant zip files. However, upon
opening the new version, I encountered bright colors, large fonts, some cgi
orchestrated to make me think that my e-mail had round edges, and other such
pandering things. The new "Personal Publisher" (I'm now ashamed to admit I ever
used it for any purpose) was accessible, though, so I was reasonably pacified.
Pacified, that is, until I attempted to use AOL's newfangled rehashing of
my old utility. Not only had the "Free-Form HTML" option been forsaken, but I
was unable to edit any of the pages I created with the previous version. This
incompatability, I assumed, was due to the fact that I had written my own code
for the majority of my site's existence. AOL had modeled the new "PP" (it
deserves the acronym) entirely upon pre-set page templates, and made it utterly
babying and hand-holding. I felt cloistered, and was aware that a self-chosen
routine had fashioned the coffin in which I now lay. In other words, I was
Truman Burbank, only worse -- I had shut myself in my studio, and then forgotten
about it.
Met with the inaccessibility of my pages, I had no choice but
to transcribe all my source codes into "Notepad" documents (okay, I got them off
IE in two clicks, but they still needed to be realigned.) That is how I have
spent this past day -- realigning my codes, sprucing up the site a bit, and
forever renouncing the use of "Personal Publisher". It was a simple
transference, for I knew what I was doing, yet on this side of AOL's coddling I
feel somehow liberated. I stand outside the gates of Thrushcross Grange, mooning
Mr. Linton and Nelly Dean (i.e. Steve Case and his technicians.)
No --
I'm not that vengeful. It's only that AOL has rather gravely inconvenienced me
for these past two days, and so I'm a tad punchy. Some of those to whom I
narrated this situation have suggested (jokingly, I hope) that I sue for
damages, but I cannot see how my failure to make backup files can be used
against the service. Then again, that is my disposition. Whenever I encounter a
contrary opinion, I assume that I'm wrong. Whenever I encounter an impediment in
my path, I assume that it's my fault for having failed to foresee it. (You know,
I once apologized for getting hit with a chair.) Woo, insecurity
Still, I feel somehow as though I have been set free. The end
of this whole ordeal even coincided with a rather violent hailstorm -- exposure
to the volatility of the real world over "protection" from it. The advent of
summer break has enhanced this sensation as well, so all in all I'm feelin'
pretty darn good.
Also, with summer now in full swing, I will have more
time to update. Tim Connolly has given me the green light to organize an "NES
game tournament" in the vein of his "Game Show Tournament", so I will at the
very least invoke a little more "artful borrowing" before the season is out. As
to tomorrow, I think a break is in order, since I have spent two full days
embroiled in rigor and such. I plan to get back to reviewing soon,
Oh, and today I added another thoroughly nutty, self-involved
section -- a "quick" reference to the site's history,
with assorted other events documented that have influenced the world in which I
presently live -- too many, really. I said it there; I'll say it here: I have
been momentarily possessed by Robin Williams.
I seldom
like to promote massive fronts or anything of the kind, but seeing all these NES
sites "drop like flies" compels me to agree with Tim Connolly -- to believe that
perhaps we should "circle our wagons" or do something to salvage the scene. Or
maybe each webmaster should just do what he/she has been doing hitherto --
his/her own thing. Well, we'll just have to see.
Today was more or less a
day of overhaul. I redid the links section, and,
as you've seen, finally got around to writing a new introductory
Okay, busy day tomorrow, so I can't romance this update log any
Well gee... For the third year in a row, a
horse has won both the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness. I can only predict that
this year a subatomic microscope will be needed to verify the fact that
Charismatic has not won the Belmont (losing by a nose becomes losing by an
angstrom.) Then again, maybe this is the year. We'll just have to wait and
In the mean time, I've added a review of Ninja Gaiden, and a new
I hate Old Navy's advertisements (just trying to kill space in a
fashion more creative than "I'm tired.")
Three points
of business before I get into the meat of the update.
1. When I said that
I would accept outside editorial submissions, I meant it.
Circumstances (namely, the fact that neither site has been locatable for about a
month now) have necessitated that I remove two of my favorite sites --
Spazzoid's NES Stuff and The Nintendo Review Archive (NRA) -- from the links
section. At present, the only information I have on the matter is that the
destruction of both sites may have been due to some sort of piratical assault on
the server to which both belonged, but that has yet to be confirmed.
Today commences the six weeks out of each year that I become a horse racing
enthusiast (just thought you'd like to know.)
Anyway, today I added a new
link, updated an old one, solefully removed the two inaccessible ones as
previously stated, and posted a new editorial.
Tim Connolly has informed me that the piece of Jeopardy! history to which
I referred in my last update log was, in fact, a rerun. Sorry, I would confine
myself to my own areas of expertise, but then it would probably come to light
that I don't have any.
I'm going to have to review a
game I really like soon, lest I might get the idea that I have some sort of
negative fixation. Well, that probably won't happen outside of my own
hypochondriacal world, but I still think some extoling comments are
Anyway, in the wake of yesterday's game show history*, I have
written a review of Baseball Stars. My
previous comments probably suggest that my perception of the game is not rosy,
which it isn't. Oh well, I'll start in on the games I like next time. I'm going
to be fairly busy next weekend, however -- so I may not be able to
* Last evening, for the first
time in fourteen years, Jeopardy! did not crown a champion, as all three
contestants finished with no money. (Although, keeping in mind my propensity for
putting my foot in my mouth, that was probably a rerun.)
Today, I added (perhaps) an overly
vitriolic review of Legacy of the
Wizard. This evaluation marks an attempt on my part to deviate from the
constraining structure I had previously used and implement more of a stream of
consciousness, while still touching on the major points. But it's entirely
possible that this whole experiment is some sort of subconsciously-originating
ploy on my part to expand my reviews (this is, I think, the longest I've yet
written) -- and expand them and expand them until the whole site explodes in
some sort of bombastic super nova.
But enough with my own absurdity. I'm
off to Biography.com
Not that I lack the patience
necessary to wait out server trouble or anything (I do but that's not the
issue), but I'd like to know just what in the name of Beelzebub is going on over
at Brinstar.com. Unless Cord and Spazzoid both abandoned ship on the same day
(which I doubt, as it would be a doozy of a coincidence), something over there
ain't quite right. Attempting to access two of my favorite sites leads me only
to a "page not found" message peppered with a few lascivious statements. My
Victorian prudery aside (at least the comments have more personality than those
damn 404 messages), I can only hope this will be corrected in the near future --
and if the two fellows mentioned in the comment really are at fault, well, then
whatever Brinstar's webmaster will say of them is warranted. Be back soon,
Now, onto my own doings.
As a by-product of my three latest
acquisitions, I have added three new SNES Abridged Reviews
-- for Gradius III, Robotrek, and Space Meggaforce. Perception wise, this is a
pretty motley bunch -- one is great, another could have been better, and the
third is an abomination. But conceptually, it's a bit more homogeneous -- they
all have to do with technology or the future, in one way or another.
little overview being uttered, I come to the confession that I don't have
anything more to say on the subject.
Uh... I went to the driving range
today... (Just trying to kill space in the hope that you won't realize that
today's only additions are those three abridged
ANNOUNCEMENT: Those of you who have
attempted to download any of the MIDIs I added on the 28th will likely have
realized that the links are not functional. The files are located at my expanded
web space at Tripod. However, AOL seems to have manifested the link as a
continuation of my own directory here. Why that has been done I do not know, as
I wrote the code so as to connect with the Tripod space.
The only reason
for my making this announcement is this: I do not know why this has taken place,
and hope it to be a freak occurence. Today, I have put in an inquiry to AOL's
help agency, but cannot offer any prognostication of when I will receive a
response, nor can I, of my own conjecture, come up with any successful method of
alleviating this. If it is not rectifiable, I will be forced to move the entire
site to my Tripod space -- an endeavor that would consume a sizable portion of
my time. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Simply, I offer this
announcement to explain the situation. That in mind, I will answer no mail
asking me to explain this situation. My intent is to correct this problem, or,
at the very least, offer reasoning as to why I cannot do so, as soon as AOL
responds to my query. In the mean time, the seemingly inaccessible files can be
obtained by removing the mess AOL has placed around each of the Tripod links and
re-processing it (woo, first class, huh?)
I don't feel like coming up with an
intro today, so please settle for this:
FDSHoierhto wahiuy3u2w 9875aw
89rewaiopd[psaofpd [sa op[fdsa=fdsa9 08(*UF*(es&*(R&U Y*(#UYHIOTGu ho8r
eua98u9 84789a7e89 wayuf89eu89aweyu 89er7 5 894 73fdSL JFOIU T*(&*(
%)#&*( #)&T*(G Y*Uisdj fiojsd oi894 7985s
pyhuiahjk.vz//?j/ajoifejopawiu5 398u r8ioa jhifod ushaoifuj soudat983 72589
7589wa0uy fiaosj fosida jfiosa hfiodsa.joifdsuIOUT(*)EUT()E U()*IU() $#UJTOI
GJW()S UJ()GSWJ)(#Jo3290 784039 2ujiof UEJIOJRIO EJIOFMSDO
I've added several new MIDIs:
- Stage 3 (better)
Godzilla (new secttion) - Game Over, Earth, Ending,
Gezora, Ghidora, Gigan, Hedorah, Jupiter, Mecha-Godzilla, Moguera,
Mars/Introduction, Neptune, Password, Pluto, Saturn, Title Screen, Uranus,
Gradius - Level 1 (Arranged)
Legacy of the Wizard -
Boss, Credits, Game Over, Inside Family Home, Inventory, Outside Home, Shops,
(Another Different) Underground Maze, (4th Different) Underground Maze, (5th
Different) Underground Maze, (6th Different) Underground Maze
Mega Man
2 - Title Screen (better)
Shadowgate - Title Screen (better),
Within Castle (better)
Strider - Blue Dragon Ship
Ultima: Quest of the Avatar - Bard's Tune (better)
all too caught up in my own whimsy tonight, so I cannot stay. I have to run
around in circles now.
Having spent the weekend of my
previous update contemplating heartily, enjoying the spoils of a day without
demands, and pestering Tim Connolly, I am now brought back to earth by two
fundamental agents -- first, the unshakable truth that euphoria doesn't last
forever; and second, the NCAA Tournament (though the latter lifts me back up a
bit via the many underdogs who have proven successful -- go
Anyway, today I have, rather than deepen an existing section,
expanded the site's breadth by way of the newly-created editorial section.
The page itself explains its function, and the prospect of viewer-contribution.
Given that I have something of a busy day tomorrow, I had best be retiring for
the evening.
Has anyone else ever noticed how much the word "volatile"
resembles "Voltaire"?
My goodness, a whole day without
academia's demands and requirements clawing at my throat. Maybe dreams do come
true. I've been able to spend a full day in the heady lofts of contemplation,
and work on the site to boot. Life, for the moment, is exceptionally
Anyway, I've added a new link, redone/revised
my absurdly
self-promoting bio, and added several new MIDIs (itemized
Castlevania III - Stage 3
The Guardian Legend -
Boss, Level 1
Marble Madness - Intermediate Race, Practice Race, Silly
Race, Ultimate Race
Enjoy. As for me, I'm off to continue experiencing my
whimsical euphoria and watch Sammo Hung beat the hell out of
Oy, up late again. There has to be a more
timely way to get things done -- possibly it involves heightening my late-night
endurance. But as things stand, I'm exhausted. Why are there apparitions of the
Muppets in my room? Now they're gone...
Okay, bringing myself back to
full consciousness, let me set down to the matter at hand.
I've added a
review of Lunar Pool, and
three new links.
Now I'm off to my slumber -- that which came so
It's far too late for me to worry about moving
fluidly and subtly into the actual update, so I'll just get down to
I've added an archive of SNES Abridged
Reviews. Its origin, purpose, and future are explained in the intro on that
page. Good night.
Oh, and people still waiting for links, the lateness of
the hour prohibits that I deal with them now, but I have a three-day weekend on
the forefront. I'll probably be able to get to them in a week. Thank you for
your patience.
Okay, it's been more than two months
since the last full review, but I've written one now. I'll try not to use this
as an excuse to refrain from writing reviews until April.
This review is
an experimentation of mine with a slightly more relaxed style. However, I'm
still having a little trouble concentrating when I write. If any of you know of
any focus exercises that might be of help, please let me know. Then again, The
Beatles suggested that they should get rid of anything that stops their minds
from wandering. Maybe I should go about it that way -- achieve a higher focus
through distraction, or something...
Anyway, there is now a review of Faxanadu
Also, for those of you who have asked me for links, I'm too tired to
deal with those today, but I'll be sure to post them at the next
I'm currently troubled by some manner of
flu, and thus can't muster the energy to create some bombastic intro -- okay, so
this probably pleases more of you than it dissapoints.
Anyway, I've added
numerous MIDIs:
Warriors (new section) - After Achieving Objective
Karnov (new
section) - Level 1
Mighty Final Fight (new section) - Stage
Rad Racer 2 (new section) - Coast to Coast
Street Fighter 2010
(new section) - Introduction
Strider (new section) - Blue Dragon
Ship, Boss, China, Egypt, Inventory, Title Screen
Also, thanks entirely
to one fellow with a sponge memory, there is quite a bit of new information in
the Audiovisual
portion of "NES Media."
Good-bye. I have to go make chicken soup -- or
some other similarly cathartic food.
I've sat here for
a bit, aiming to devise something momentous with which to begin my update
message. However, nothing is coming to mind, and that my inspirational
floodgates are closed is of little relevance, for there is no water to be
Sorry. I just had to get a little creative imagery out --
probably in the hope that some new will come and take its place. Anyway, down to
First is an announcement:
Today is The NES
Enshrined's first birthday. One year ago today -- and about this time of
day, coincidentally -- a small bit of code that is now not even one percent of
this site came into being. I joked, on that day, that the site was just one of
my many pipe dreams, and that I would soon forget about it -- abandon it for
some other faddish enthatuation. Well, if it was a pipe dream, then I'm still
a-dreamin', for the cop-out I mentioned a year ago is now buried so deeply
beneath my inspiration and initiative that its portentous influence cannot be
heard. This site has lived a year, and I'll wager it will live a few
Okay, I can see myself sidling toward some lengthy sentimental
discourse worthy of the late Jimmy Stewart. So, I'm going to draw back, wish the
"Shrine" a happy birthday, and fulfill my earlier promise to "get down to
business" -- this time to the business that really is business.
uploaded four MIDIs:
Eyes (new section) - Title Screen
Crystalis - Leaf, Valley of
Double Dragon II - Shadow Boss
Also, I've fixed one link, and added a
new one.
For an anniversary update, I'll admit that this is an
anticlimax. Thus, to downplay my own lack of foresight -- I didn't remember
today was the site's b-day until I sat down to compose this update log -- I'll
just segue clumsily into this lovely Oscar Wilde quotation:
"Those who
find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. That
is a fault.
Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the
cultivated. For these there is hope."
-from The Picture of Dorian
Ah... Nothing like a chance to begin anew. In
this case, I'm referring to the update page, which was becoming quite lengthy,
though you could apply that statement to by and large anything. Anyway, I moved
all updates from 1998 into the rather inspirationlessly named 1998 Updates
Also I have added abridged reviews
for the following games:
1942, Athena, Baseball Stars, Commando, Donkey
Kong 3, Flying Warriors, Iron Tank, Low G Man, Lunar Pool, Metroid, P.O.W.,
Racket Attack, Rad Racer, Side Pocket, Skate or Die, Soccer, Solar Jetman,
Street Fighter 2010, Super Sprint, Tecmo Bowl.
Finally, since I was
unable to showcase as many of the holiday MIDIs as I would have liked, I've
decided to leave that collection up indefinitely. However, as you can hear, I'm
returning NES songs to the front page.
Enjoy the new year, all.