Supposed Function of any Review: To convey an objective, unbiased evaluation of its subject, interpret when appropriate, and otherwise illuminate the topic it discusses.

Actual Function of these Reviews: To give Dief a chance to pontificate, make wild assumptions, ignore the obvious and bemoan the trivial, allude to his favorite literature/music even though it has nothing to do with the subject under discussion, write in a clumsy style that juxtaposes modern-day slang with antiquated bombast, and demonstrate plainly that he has no idea what a semicolon is for.

This page is nothing more than an onramp -- an onramp to overviews and analyses of the NES games I own (currently totalling 129.)

Due to the fact that reviewers each have their own individual biases, and most rating titles alone don't serve to explain mine in earnest, it seems necessary to elucidate just what I value. For those of you who will notice similarities to Loogaroo's "ratings explanation page", mine is not intended as abject plagiarism. It simply seems necessary to me for all reviewers to explain their priorities in detail -- and in light of the friendly idea "sharing" that oscillates almost constantly between Loog and myself (akin to dolphin sonar, if you will), I assume he's sufficiently placid about it.

Also, for those of you who don't have the time or the interest to read the full versions of my reviews, I have composed a complete list of Abridged Reviews. (Original reviews | Revised reviews) In essence, these are brief synopses of my opinions of each game -- the rudiments of what does or will comprise the full review. Similarly, those looking for evaluations of the SNES might be interested in the SNES Abridged Reviews.

"Old Era" reviews are so termed because I consider their structure inferior to those written on or after July 15, 1998. The very worst of them are branded with an asterisk.

Games are not reviewed in any particular order.



8 Eyes*
Air Fortress*
Baseball Simulator 1.000
Baseball Stars
Bases Loaded
Blaster Master
Captain Skyhawk
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Clash at Demonhead
Ice Hockey
Legacy of the Wizard
Lunar Pool
Ninja Gaiden
Nintendo World Cup
Tecmo Super Bowl
Ultima: Exodus
Vice: Project Doom
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

* Very slipshod reviews -- far inferior to all the others. Read only if you really want to.

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