The True Plot of Dragon
Author: Tim Connolly
[Ed. Note: Loog originally
intended that this extrapolation be posted in the pedantry section.
However, in addition to being pompous, I am also selfish, and never intended to
accept outside contributions to that portion of the site or otherwise "share the
wealth" beyond the extent to which I do now (although one can never know what
sections I may open in the future). As a compromise that wouldn't have been
necessary had your resident webmaster had more friends as a child, done
charitable work at some point, or been born as a different person, I have placed
it here.]
You see, when one first plays
Dragon Warrior, they get the impression that this is a game about good and evil,
about a dastardly Dragonlord who wants the kingdom of Alefgard to be veiled in a
shroud of darkness while his creatures (including a sadly misrepresented
werewolf) rule the land. However, when one looks deeper into the game, s/he
realizes the true plot-forwarding vehicle: cartography.
The plot is not
about an evil Dragonlord. It's about mapmaking. The original story of Dragon
Warrior was this: just about the time that new maps of Alefgard were to be
drawn, King Lorik and the Dragonlord were having a squabble over the one thing
that would make their castle supreme: Being at the center of the universe.
Of course, it would be impossible for such a thing to occur. When one
considers the rotation of the planet, and the revolution around its sun, even if
Alefgard were the center of the universe, it would only be so for a few minutes
out of the year. So, the lords of each castle would settle for being the center
of the kingdom.
Here's where the argument comes in: Lorik thinks
Tantegel Castle is at the center of the kingdom, and his nationalistic attitude
would never concede to the fact that maybe Charlock Castle is actually in the
center. So how does one explain the countless "enemies" that besiege our hero?
Simply fellow triangulators employed by the Dragonlord to set things straight,
merely defending themselves against the unwarranted attack by what's-his-name.
Erdrick? A legendary cartographer. And the token used to verify your lineage to
Erdrick is actually a decorated tape measure.
Of course, whenever blood
is spilled for a cause, nobody wins - especially when one realizes that neither
Tantegel nor Charlock lays exactly in the center of Alefgard - that honor is
bestowed on a craggy mountain in the upper regions of the final island. The
doomed Dragonlord can at least take solace in the fact that his castle was
closer to the middle.
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